For Type declarations
, Prompt for update
and Periodic SW Updates
go to Svelte entry.
You should remove all references to SvelteKit service worker module to disable it on your application.
Since SvelteKit
uses SSR / SSG
, we need to add the ReloadPrompt
component using dynamic import
. Vite Plugin PWA
will only register the service worker on build, it is aligned with the current behavior of SvelteKit service worker module.
The best place to include the ReloadPrompt
is on the main layout of the application:
import { onMount } from 'svelte'
import { browser, dev } from '$app/env'
let ReloadPrompt
onMount(async () => {
!dev && browser && (ReloadPrompt = (await import('$lib/components/ReloadPrompt.svelte')).default)
{#if (!dev && browser)}
<link rel="manifest" href="/_app/manifest.webmanifest">
<slot />
{#if ReloadPrompt}
<svelte:component this={ReloadPrompt} />
import { onMount } from 'svelte'
import { browser, dev } from '$app/env'
let ReloadPrompt
onMount(async () => {
!dev && browser && (ReloadPrompt = (await import('$lib/components/ReloadPrompt.svelte')).default)
{#if (!dev && browser)}
<link rel="manifest" href="/_app/manifest.webmanifest">
<slot />
{#if ReloadPrompt}
<svelte:component this={ReloadPrompt} />
SvelteKit Adapters
The main problem with the current implementation of the service worker module of SvelteKit
is that you don't have access to the result applied by any adapter you have configured on your application. The service worker module of SvelteKit
will be called before the adapter logic is applied, and so, inside the service worker module, you don't have access to those resources. Your application will not work when the user is offline, since the pages will not be included on the service worker precache manifest.
When using Vite PWA Plugin
with any SvelteKit Adapter
you need to provide an additional script to rebuild your pwa
once SvelteKit
finish building your application, that is, when the adapter configured finish its job.
The biggest difference between this plugin and the SvelteKit service worker module is that this plugin does not require integration into the application logic - just configuration. You can take a look at SvelteKit example to configure the additional scripts on your application, it is quite complex since we use it for multiple behaviors with the same codebase.
Workbox manifestTransforms
We must provide a list of URLs for the service worker to load and precache. We provide these to workbox using the the manifestTransforms
option under workbox
or injectManifest
. The manifest entries provided via this option will contain all the assets specified in the srcDir
Since SvelteKit
outputs an .html
page for each pre-rendered page, you can use manifestTransforms
to generate the URL from the prerendered HTML file path. For an example, see the pwa-configuration.js
module in the next example using @sveltejs/adapter-static
Pages which are not prerendered or are generated with a unique adapter will need to be handled separately and the manifestTransforms
logic will need to be modified accordingly.
Static Adapter example
As an example, when using @sveltejs/adapter-static with generateSW
strategy and Prompt for update
behavior, you will need:
1) add pwa.js script
import { copyFileSync } from 'fs'
import { resolveConfig } from 'vite'
import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa'
import { pwaConfiguration } from './pwa-configuration.js'
const webmanifestDestinations = [
const swDestinations = [
const buildPwa = async () => {
const config = await resolveConfig({ plugins: [VitePWA({ ...pwaConfiguration })] }, 'build', 'production')
// when `vite-plugin-pwa` is present, use it to regenerate SW after rendering
const pwaPlugin = config.plugins.find(i => === 'vite-plugin-pwa')?.api
if (pwaPlugin?.generateSW) {
console.log('Generating PWA...')
await pwaPlugin.generateSW()
webmanifestDestinations.forEach((d) => {
copyFileSync('./.svelte-kit/output/client/_app/manifest.webmanifest', `${d}/manifest.webmanifest`)
// don't copy workbox, SvelteKit will copy it
swDestinations.forEach((d) => {
copyFileSync('./.svelte-kit/output/client/sw.js', `${d}/sw.js`)
console.log('Generation of PWA complete')
import { copyFileSync } from 'fs'
import { resolveConfig } from 'vite'
import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa'
import { pwaConfiguration } from './pwa-configuration.js'
const webmanifestDestinations = [
const swDestinations = [
const buildPwa = async () => {
const config = await resolveConfig({ plugins: [VitePWA({ ...pwaConfiguration })] }, 'build', 'production')
// when `vite-plugin-pwa` is present, use it to regenerate SW after rendering
const pwaPlugin = config.plugins.find(i => === 'vite-plugin-pwa')?.api
if (pwaPlugin?.generateSW) {
console.log('Generating PWA...')
await pwaPlugin.generateSW()
webmanifestDestinations.forEach((d) => {
copyFileSync('./.svelte-kit/output/client/_app/manifest.webmanifest', `${d}/manifest.webmanifest`)
// don't copy workbox, SvelteKit will copy it
swDestinations.forEach((d) => {
copyFileSync('./.svelte-kit/output/client/sw.js', `${d}/sw.js`)
console.log('Generation of PWA complete')
2) add pwa-configuration.js script
const pwaConfiguration = {
srcDir: './build',
outDir: './.svelte-kit/output/client',
includeManifestIcons: false,
base: '/',
scope: '/',
manifest: {
short_name: '<YOUR APP SHORT NAME>',
name: '<YOUR APP NAME>',
scope: '/',
start_url: '/',
display: 'standalone',
theme_color: '#ffffff',
background_color: '#ffffff',
icons: [
src: '/pwa-192x192.png',
sizes: '192x192',
type: 'image/png'
src: '/pwa-512x512.png',
sizes: '512x512',
type: 'image/png'
src: '/pwa-512x512.png',
sizes: '512x512',
type: 'image/png',
purpose: 'any maskable'
workbox: {
// mode: 'development',
navigateFallback: '/',
// vite and SvelteKit are not aligned: pwa plugin will use /\.[a-f0-9]{8}\./ by default: #164 optimize workbox work
dontCacheBustURLsMatching: /-[a-f0-9]{8}\./,
globDirectory: './build/',
globPatterns: ['robots.txt', '**/*.{js,css,html,ico,png,svg,webmanifest}'],
globIgnores: ['**/sw*', '**/workbox-*'],
manifestTransforms: [async (entries) => {
// manifest.webmanifest is added always by pwa plugin, so we remove it.
// EXCLUDE from the sw precache sw and workbox-*
const manifest = entries.filter(({ url }) =>
url !== 'manifest.webmanifest' && url !== 'sw.js' && !url.startsWith('workbox-')
).map((e) => {
let url = e.url
if (url && url.endsWith('.html')) {
if (url.startsWith('/'))
url = url.slice(1)
if (url === 'index.html')
e.url = '/'
else if (url.endsWith('index.html'))
e.url = `/${url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/'))}`
else if (url.endsWith('.html'))
e.url = `/${url.substring(0, url.length - '.html'.length)}`
return e
return { manifest }
export { pwaConfiguration }
const pwaConfiguration = {
srcDir: './build',
outDir: './.svelte-kit/output/client',
includeManifestIcons: false,
base: '/',
scope: '/',
manifest: {
short_name: '<YOUR APP SHORT NAME>',
name: '<YOUR APP NAME>',
scope: '/',
start_url: '/',
display: 'standalone',
theme_color: '#ffffff',
background_color: '#ffffff',
icons: [
src: '/pwa-192x192.png',
sizes: '192x192',
type: 'image/png'
src: '/pwa-512x512.png',
sizes: '512x512',
type: 'image/png'
src: '/pwa-512x512.png',
sizes: '512x512',
type: 'image/png',
purpose: 'any maskable'
workbox: {
// mode: 'development',
navigateFallback: '/',
// vite and SvelteKit are not aligned: pwa plugin will use /\.[a-f0-9]{8}\./ by default: #164 optimize workbox work
dontCacheBustURLsMatching: /-[a-f0-9]{8}\./,
globDirectory: './build/',
globPatterns: ['robots.txt', '**/*.{js,css,html,ico,png,svg,webmanifest}'],
globIgnores: ['**/sw*', '**/workbox-*'],
manifestTransforms: [async (entries) => {
// manifest.webmanifest is added always by pwa plugin, so we remove it.
// EXCLUDE from the sw precache sw and workbox-*
const manifest = entries.filter(({ url }) =>
url !== 'manifest.webmanifest' && url !== 'sw.js' && !url.startsWith('workbox-')
).map((e) => {
let url = e.url
if (url && url.endsWith('.html')) {
if (url.startsWith('/'))
url = url.slice(1)
if (url === 'index.html')
e.url = '/'
else if (url.endsWith('index.html'))
e.url = `/${url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/'))}`
else if (url.endsWith('.html'))
e.url = `/${url.substring(0, url.length - '.html'.length)}`
return e
return { manifest }
export { pwaConfiguration }
3) modify your build script
"scripts": {
"build": "svelte-kit build && node ./pwa.js"
"scripts": {
"build": "svelte-kit build && node ./pwa.js"
4) add Vite Plugin PWA to svelte.config.js
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static'
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'
import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa'
import { pwaConfiguration } from './pwa-configuration.js'
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
// Consult
// for more information about preprocessors
preprocess: preprocess(),
kit: {
adapter: adapter(),
// hydrate the <div id="svelte"> element in src/app.html
target: '#svelte',
vite: {
plugins: [VitePWA(pwaConfiguration)]
export default config
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static'
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'
import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa'
import { pwaConfiguration } from './pwa-configuration.js'
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
// Consult
// for more information about preprocessors
preprocess: preprocess(),
kit: {
adapter: adapter(),
// hydrate the <div id="svelte"> element in src/app.html
target: '#svelte',
vite: {
plugins: [VitePWA(pwaConfiguration)]
export default config